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Features Approval & Compliance
ㆍ Higher accuracy and better lifetime achieved using NDIR ㆍ Approval& Compliance for Flameproof:
sensor Technology. Certified to EX-d IIC, IP66
ㆍ Optimized for detection of smallest leak of Combustible Standard Compliance:
gases and Carbon Dioxide. ㆍ IS/IEC 60079-0 : 2004
ㆍ Highly resistant to poisoning and etching. ㆍ IS/IEC 60079-1:2007
ㆍ Capable of detecting down to PPM, %LEL, %VN, mg/m3. ㆍ IS/IEC 60529: 2001
ㆍ Digital Alphanumeric LCD display with configurable
Backlit option.
ㆍ Standard 4-20mA signal output with configurable range. Applications
ㆍ Easy handling and programming with 3 keys for ㆍ Gas Metering skid ㆍ Gas Metering Station
Weatherproof Models. ㆍ Gas Cylinder Bank ㆍ Burner / Furnace Areas
ㆍ Non – Intrusive programming for Flameproof model using ㆍ Oil & Gas Industries ㆍ Bullet Yard / Storage Yard
Magnetic pen. ㆍ Gas Pipeline Project ㆍ Chemical Processing Plant
ㆍ Password protected programming with password changing ㆍ Refineries ㆍ Acid Alkalizes & Dyes Mfg. Plants
facility. ㆍ Cold Storage ㆍ Offshore Drilling & Processing Platforms
ㆍ One man Auto software Gas calibration. ㆍ Sewage Plants ㆍ Heat Treatment Plants
ㆍ Optional Alarm relay contacts with two configurable Alarm ㆍ Fertilizers Plants ㆍ Chemical Storage Area
levels & one Relay for fail safe relay. ㆍ Stack Monitoring ㆍ Control Atmospheria
ㆍ Optional STEL and TWA set points can be configured for ㆍ Chlorination Plant ㆍ Power & Industrial Plants
CO₂ in PPM level. ㆍ Ambient Monitoring ㆍ Coal Mine and Confined Area
ㆍ Optional RS-485 communication port with MODBUS ㆍ Pulp & Paper Plants ㆍ Chemical & Petrochemical Plants
RTU Protocol